Happy 17 weeks Dalton!
I have not updated as much as I should be doing since we have moved. Life with crazy preteen girls and a traveling husband makes me lose track of time. I wanted to share one of the loves of our whole family's life...Dalton. He is the most precious little thing in the world. He was born premature at 27 weeks on Thanksgiving day weighing 1lb 13ozs. Dalton has overcome so much already in his little life. I look at him for inspiration every day. He has had a tough week to say the least. After a terrifying scare on Tuesday, the most powerful prayer chain was activated for this little guy. 24 hours later, that smile and pink cheeks were back! A MIRACLE!!! We love this little guy and his family so much! I know God has great things in store for this little fella. Truth is that most days, this little 17 week old baby boy, has more strength that I do. He fights harder than anything I have ever seen before. You can look at his sweet face and just see his personality. When you see those beautiful eyes open, you can see the his strong soul, and a bright light behind his eyes. This little guy can make me smile, cry, and my heart stop all at the same time. We LOVE Dalton, Hannah (Dalton's big sis), Heather (the most fabulous Mommy on the planet), and Danny (mr superhero's daddy). They are family to us! Could not be more proud to be called Aunt Chely by this awesome family.
Happy 17 Week Bday DALTON, we LOVE you so much!!!